A Doctrinal Teaching Free Grace Church
Intensive Bible teaching for those who want to learn
Free Grace Bible Institute International
Pastor-teacher David Pearson is a living example of "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me" (from the song Amazing Grace, written by John Newton). Over 29 years ago Pastor David lived as a great sinner and rebel: But Christ Jesus is a great Savior! Today Pastor David has gone from disgrace to amazing grace and now has served the Lord Jesus Christ at West Side for 18 years. He is standing in grace and teaching grace: To God be the glory! Read 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sinners welcome at WSBC: The church of grace and forgiveness!
West Side Baptist Church
17 East Main Street
Sharpsville, PA 16150
ph: 724-962-1442
Free Downloadable Complete Class Notes, or you can click below each class to download just the notes you need for each individual session.
Raises the question: "If God is good and all-powerful, why are there so many disasters and so much evil in the world?" and begins to answer by:
Examining how God's perfect world was ruined by man's choices
How the definitions of good and evil are vastly different than the world's
Demonstrates the tendency of mankind to blame others, especially God for our sins.
Displays, even the most die-hard atheist has a some sense of right and wrong given to him from God.
Shows how to answer skeptics who blame God, doubt His goodness or even His existence.
Equips with the knowledge that God uses suffering for good and how He has a solution for all of man's problems.
Displays how the unbeliever's answer to why there is suffering and death is far worse than God's answer.
Discovers just how important it is to make sure we know where we'll be for eternity.
Explains how God is always just in judgment on evil, always in control but does not directly control each and every event that seems evil.
West Side Baptist Church
17 East Main Street
Sharpsville, PA 16150
ph: 724-962-1442